Monday, July 13, 2009

Take Tips, Advice: Coffee Maker

1. Coffee quality is really important to make great coffee. Use only the freshest coffee beans.
2. Always use good quality, cold water. Brewed coffee is approximately 98% water...good water quality is essential. Use fresh water, and clean water. Water is the second element to make great coffee.
3. The grind chosen must be of the correct fineness for the chosen brewing method. Grind the coffee only as you need it.
4. Make only enough coffee for your immediate needs. The coffee will deteriorate if you keep it too long. Avoid reheating coffee, it just doesn't taste the same.
5. The coffee brewer should produce a brew water temperature of 200 degrees F (+ or - 5 degrees). Avoid boiling brewed coffee - it is a sure way to spoil the coffee.
6. Use approximately 70 grams of coffee per litre of water.
7. Do never drink coffee that has been left on a hot-plate for over 45 minutes

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